How to Network Before the 35th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference 

We're excited for you to join us for the 35th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference, June 23-28 in Las Vegas and online. Whether this is your first or your 15th conference, one of the biggest benefits of attending these events is connecting with new faces.   

We want you to get the most out of this conference and have an enjoyable experience, so we've put together a few tips on networking before you log on or step foot in the city of lights:   

There are plenty of ways to connect with other attendees before the conference even starts!   

  • Follow the ACFE on social media. You can get pre-conference tips, updates about sessions and other news by following us on our LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X pages.   

  • Join the conversation on social media using #FraudConf. We’ll be sharing some of your posts both leading up to and during the conference when you use the hashtag.   

  • Download the ACFE Events App and set up your profile. The app will be available soon on both the Apple Store and Google Play; this will make it easier than ever to find fellow attendees during your visit so that you can exchange contact information or see what they're doing at the conference.   

  • Explore the conference schedule online before traveling or logging on. While browsing through more than 90 sessions, you'll want to have a plan before the conference begins and connect with other attendees planning to view the same sessions.   

  • If you are attending virtually, organize a networking event in your city. You could either meet up with fellow attendees during the conference itself or in the weeks leading up to or following it. Compare notes, make new friends and strengthen your local connections. If there’s an ACFE Chapter in your area, that’s even better!   

The 35th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference is fast approaching. We know you’re already planning on attending to learn more about fraud and how to protect yourself, your organization or your clients from it, but why not get started now?   

Get informed with some of the best resources out there, from our very own ACFE Insights posts, articles in Fraud Magazine and webinars. Then, when the conference rolls around, you’ll be ready for a week of expert-led sessions tailored specifically for those working in anti-fraud field — and even better, you might just have made a few new friends!   

If you haven’t registered for the 35th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference, there’s still time. We hope to see you and meet you there!