Heard in the Halls: Stepping Up and Standing Out


“I am very excited, not only to network like we’re doing right now at the pre-conference day with the women’s networking group, but also to connect with other people and share ideas. I think the best way for me to learn and grow is to look at the best practices across the country and the world. What are they doing? What could I be doing better?” – Kathy McGuiness, CFE, Auditor of Accounts, State of Delaware


“I’m looking forward to hearing the whistleblower of Theranos speak, regarding that situation that happened and his outlook. In addition to that, I’m looking forward to learning more interviewing techniques as it relates to detecting deception.” – Denise Brinkley, Senior Compliance Analyst, The Adecco Group


“I work in audit and I’m looking forward to learning more about fraud examination. Right now I’m an auditor and I’m learning more about fraud. I just want to learn how to do more cyberfraud investigation.” – Brian Hardman, Georgia Department of Administrative Services


“I’ve already met some people at, for example, the chapter leaders meeting. I’m on the board of the New York chapter, so I’ve already started doing things. It’s just a great opportunity to meet with people who are dedicated in fraud fighting, both in prevention and after the fact.” – Ozan Gurel, CFE, Bard Dynamic, LLC


“I’m very proud to represent the travel industry, which I feel is currently not so much represented within the fraud conference, so I really want to meet peers from the travel industry…from health fraud to fraud in universities, it’s so diverse, which makes you understand the importance of the topic. Because fraud can hit anywhere in the world, any kind of company. This is cool to understand that you’re part of such a big network of professionals.” – Laura Jonutyte, Senior Fraud Analyst, Booking.com