ACFE Staff Looks Forward to New Virtual Offerings
/Attendees at last year's 30th Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference in Austin, Texas. While we may not be together in person this year, we hope you’ll still enjoy everything our virtual conference has to offer.
The 31st Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference will be like no other this year as attendees from all over the world gather virtually to learn from industry leaders, and network from the comfort of their own homes or offices. We know that it will be a different experience — rather than shaking hands and catching up in Boston, attendees and staff are tackling the current environment and finding new ways to make the most of their conference experience.
I asked some of our staff about what they’re most looking forward to in the coming week and here’s what they had to say:
“One of the things I look forward to at every annual conference, and this is my 13th, is seeing members that are now friends year after year. We connect and check-in on each other’s families, jobs and anything else we can think of. And while this year I might not get a chance to shake hands and hug the friends I’ve made over the years, I am looking forward to connecting and catching up virtually. I’m excited for the tools we’re going to use this year because they’ll give us an opportunity to connect with those old friends while making new ones.” — Ross Pry, CFE, ACFE Director of Membership
“The networking platform, Discord, is very cool. I've already seen attendees introducing themselves from places like Qatar, France, Switzerland and even Boston, where we were originally going to meet everyone for the conference this year. I'm excited to see members getting to know one another, and I hope everyone tries out a video chat in Discord at least once.” — Courtney Howell, ACFE Community Manager
“This year will be my 16th conference. Each year, I look forward to catching up with the members who I’ve met over the years and getting to know our new members. I am happy we will still be able connect with our members in the new virtual format.” — Joey Broccolo, CFE, ACFE Chapter Development Manager
“Being a pretty big nerd, I’m looking forward to some of the new technology we’ll be using for networking and the conference hub, where attendees will be able access all of our virtual offerings.” — John Loftis, CFE, ACFE Events Manager
Every year I have the pleasure of floating around the Exhibit Hall, speaking with our attendees and gathering quotes about the conference that we share in our daily conference newsletter. I hope to be able to do the same this year, but virtually. We’re renaming “Heard in the Halls” to “Seen on the Screen” and I look forward to virtually connecting with fraud fighters who are open to share their insights about the conference and the anti-fraud profession.
Please contact me via email (Emily Primeaux, if you’d be willing to connect and share a quote about what you’re looking forward to most this year at the virtual 31st Annual ACFE Global Fraud Conference. See you on the screen!