2024 Chapter of the Year Awards: South Africa and Knoxville

The ACFE annually presents the Chapter of the Year Award to the chapter that has gone above and beyond to grow and serve its membership. This award is decided by members of the Chapter Leaders Committee and is presented to two chapters: a large market chapter and a small market chapter. 

Large Market 

The 2024 Chapter of the Year Award (Large Market) is awarded to the South Africa Chapter. They offer benefits to nearly 3,500 ACFE members in South Africa and seven other nearby countries. They also have nearly 2,300 affiliate members and have offered more than 30 trainings in South Africa and other regions in Africa, which includes 17 virtual events, 11 in person, three hybrid and their annual conference in September consisting of 43 sessions over three days. More than 1,200 people attended in person, making it the largest fraud conference outside of the United States.  

In collaboration with Cotlands, an organization that helps vulnerable children in South Africa, the chapter helped developed a fun board game for young children to teach ethical values. They also have MoUs with local universities where they promote the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential and present fraud-related topics to the students. Top achievers at the university receive free attendance to their annual conference.  

Many ACFE members in South Africa have faced challenges paying their ACFE dues post-pandemic. The South Africa Chapter has assisted these members since 2021 by paying dues on their behalf to keep their membership active.  

The South Africa chapter also helped form the new Namibia Chapter, as well as assisted them in registering their non-profit organization and paying the incorporation fees. They are currently in the process of the doing the same in Malawi and Eswatini.  

Congratulations to the South Africa Chapter! 

Small Market 

The 2024 Chapter of the Year Award (Small Market) is awarded to the Knoxville Chapter, which serves 60 ACFE members, a 25% increase in membership from the previous year. The chapter organized seven training sessions in 2023: six in person and one virtual and offered a total of 25 CPE credits, giving the local members the chance to obtain the requisite number of CPE credits for their annual compliance for less than $500. In addition to the events the Knoxville Chapter hosted, they also promoted events offered by other ACFE chapters including the Twin Cities, Central Ohio and South Florida Chapters. They consistently invite other organizations to participate in their in-person events, including The IIA, FEI and AGA.  

The chapter’s secretary partnered with local law enforcement to conduct three elder fraud prevention presentations, and their chairperson also gave a similar presentation at a large local church. Chapter members regularly speak to students studying accounting, law, IT and criminal justice at nearby universities and invite them to attend chapter events and join the chapter.  

Congratulations to the Knoxville Chapter!